An excerpt of poetry by Sohale...

Sweet Lips

Sweet, soft Lips define the breath of Being.

It's Freedom.

But, the slave master of desire suffocates.

It chokes the ink in the pen.

The voice in the weak.

The fragrance of love.

Yet, one only needs to remember that the heart's illumination starts in the well of Joseph.

It seems dark, but it reveals Reality.

The Reality that every desire is really a thirst for the sweet, soft Lips of Freedom.

The Blossom

In the blossom of your eyes lies the Name of God.

When Jesus (PBUH) preached, he was praying for this Moment.

When Muhammad (PBUH) proclaimed the Message, he was supplicating for this Moment.

This Moment where my being loses all consciousness in the Splendor of Your Light.

Beloved, have mercy for You may just extinguish my entire existence with that Glance.


In the whisper of Your voice, I am suspended in time.

Who thought a simple whisper could melt my being?

The point of prostration starts with Your whisper.

I am no more. I am You.

No Time

My heart has melted into the sweetness of Your Lips.

There is no time.

There are only moments.

And, in every moment, I am lost because who knows if I am You.

Or You are Me.


The fragrance of Your Being enraptures my soul.

There is no love, but Love.

The wind of Fate carries us to where we have always been.

We are baby Moses traversing a tumultuous sea of passions and whims. 

For the persevering, there comes Peace and the Embrace of the Beloved. 

Love was Created

Love was created to destroy.

To destroy the idols that reside in the palace of the heart.

Love was created to intoxicate the king.

So much so that in a crazy, drunken dance all the idols are knocked over.

And crushed to pieces.


I look into your Eyes...

Warm kisses. Ticklish laughs.

Light punches. Unbreakable embraces.

soul-like whispers. melting touches.

Enlightened breaths.
